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Digital world of work: “This is an opportunity to emerge stronger.” Dr. Jutta Rump at the IT Executive Club


Technologies and business models, value added and cooperation – everything is changing as a result of the digitalization of the economy and society. 50 sectors and areas of business are undergoing a transformation. Doctors, lawyers and tax advisors have now been swept up into the debate, noted Dr. Jutta Rump (Professor of International Personnel Management and Organization Development in Ludwigshafen) pointedly at the IT Executive Club. 

“We are no longer wasting time on routines,” summarized the labor market expert, speaking from more than 18 years of experience. The advisor to the Federal Government and Ministry of Labor, Confederation of Industry and Employers, Caritas and DAK, the Robert Bosch and Randstad Foundations, emboldened her audience to focus on the opportunities.

”We have the perfect basis for introducing digitalization extensively in industry,” asserted the guest speaker at the IT Executive Club in Hamburg. Our partner HANSEVALLEY had the opportunity to talk to the acknowledged expert. For the full paper on the World of Work 4.0 – the fourth dimension of digitalization –  click HERE .

Photo ©Ludwigshafen University of Applied Sciences/Jutta Rump