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The name of our member company TRENDONE says it all: As a renowned consultancy firm for strategic future issues & trends, it has a good overview of the changes   in the world that are characterized by disruptive ideas, innovative developments and radical technical advances. Markets and industries are in a constant state of change – and businesses need to adjust accordingly.

But which global trends will catch on this year? On your behalf, TRENDONE has tracked down seven trends packed with innovative drive for 2018:  


The biochemical   CRISPR/Cas method  will revolutionize the medical industry in the coming year. This simple approach to cutting and editing the DNA building blocks of all organisms creates fresh opportunities for the medical and food industry. 


The fightback against fake content and the dissemination of fake information – in the form of image, video or audio content – will gain momentum in 2018. Whether through the use of software solutions or the emergence of further collaborative research and fact checking initiatives. A comeback for quality media is furthermore expected. 


The latest movement in the food sector, in the form of new, nutrient-rich food sources and synthetically produced foods, is already on the starting blocks. 

An examination of the EU “Novel Food” regulation means insects, too, could soon be on our menu. 


Creative marketing and presentation of a product will increasingly come to the fore for many brands in 2018. This is precisely where the “modular retail”  trend cuts in: It stands for concepts that permit a modular, combined and experiential way of presenting products and services, for short-lived, intensive brand experiences. 


The young generation of parents is turning previous ideals on their heads in 2018. Children are becoming fully integrated into the original everyday way of life, the issue of pregnancy is being openly addressed and the spotlight is turning to new family models of equality among partners. Businesses, too, are responding to this new generation of parents with appropriate offerings.


Circular economy  means closed material cycles and the recycling of products. That not only has a positive impact on the environment; resource-intensive industries, too, benefit from these alternative recycling methods. 


The mystic movement  trend refers to the commercial spiritualization of everyday life. Crystals, tarot cards and moon ceremonies are back on the agenda and subconsciously help people to find their bearings in today’s world.  

Click here for detailed information about the trends.